Speech on women's empowerment in English

Women Empowerment speech

We celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th march every year. With this article, we are going to talk about the important of women in our society and the need to empower them. Let’s go through speeches on women empowerment.

Women empowerment Speech one
Right away with first wave movement in 1900s, there was a clarity that we as a women need equal importance and a right to be seen. We have always to mark our journey and tell about our existence to the world.

Empowering women all over the world specially in India is very necessary to bring gender equality. In fact, gender equality is very necessary to empower women. Both men and women need to understand the role of women in our society.

Since our country is still developing, it is important to make our country understand that patriarchal world, dominated by men can’t stand for much longer. Both men and women have to hold hands and have to work for the betterment of the country.

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